Thursday, February 13, 2014

How To Lose Weight In A Week - Quickly Burn Fat In A Week

Hey folks! I just wanted to share with your how to lose weight fast in a week and quickly!

Not too long ago, I was in the exact same spot you are now. I was trying to find a way to lose weight fast in a week because I was tired of being fat, depressed, and having so much trouble trying to find clothes that would fit.

You know what I am talking about. You know when you find a shirt, dress or a pair of jeans that you really like, but they do not have your size and you get depressed.

I did not have the time to go to the gym everyday or eat healthy and not to mention it was very expensive. I needed something that did not cost a lot to lose weight fast.

First of all, I had a lot of things going against me. My family genetics just made it difficult for me to lose weight fast. I went to my doctor and asked about options and ideas.

I found out one of my problems was with my thyroid. I had a hard time losing weight fast because of my thyroid. To make matters worse for me, I also had a hard time losing weight fast because I have a really slow metabolism.

Of course my doctor told me stuff that I already knew such: as eating healthy to lose weight, exercising more to lose weight fast, or even drinking a lot of water to help lose weight fast but none of them worked. I'm sure you already heard of those methods too.

Even with medications to help my thyroid and metabolism, I just could not lose weight fast enough to make me feel better. So, feeling like there was not much that I could do and feeling sorry for myself, I started to eat more - thinking it would make me feel better - which added more weight on me.

You never saw me in family pictures, because I avoided them. I hated seeing myself in pictures because of how fat I looked. Have you ever felt that way? Did you ever hate seeing yourself in pictures because you hated the way you looked too?

I was watching t.v. one evening and one of my favorite shows came on, Dr. Oz. I like this show because it shows things related to people's health. They do not try and sell you things. They actually do studies and research products that can benefit your health.

On this Dr. Oz Show, they were reviewing this product that claimed to actually help you lose weight fast in a week! They did a review on several different women of different ethnicity and backgrounds which participated in this review. Over 90% of these ladies were all satisfied and some lost as much as six pounds in a week!

Of the participants who did not like this weight loss product, said they did not like the taste.

The Yacon Diet

Can you safely lose weight fast in a week?

Absolutely! It just depends on how bad you want it. My most aggressive week was about 7 pounds!

Is there a trick to lose weight fast in a week?

Absolutely not! There are no secret tricks to lose weight fast.... I will admit, I did use one product that is still popular today to help me lose weight fast but as a supplement to my workout.

Can I lose weight fast without exercise?

Absolutely! With a combination of a weight loss supplement such as the one I used in addition to simply changing up my diet, I lost an average of three to five pounds a week!

How to burn fat fast

To burn fat fast, you need to create a plan and a goal. If you are still reading this then you are probably ready to make a serious change in your life. To burn fat fast, you will need to change up the way you eat, exercise more (with or without weight loss supplements) though they seem to help give you that extra push such as the one I used.

Is it healthy to lose weight fast in a week?

Yes and no.... This all depends on what you are doing to lose weight fast in a week. It is ok to burn fat fast, but you have to do it the right way and not by starving yourself or resorting to products that are not legal.

My go to way to lose weight fast in a week

To this day, I still use the same weight loss supplement that has helped me to lose weight fast. I use it on a daily basis with my meals and drinks. I even lost a lot of weight without exercising. After seeing a transformation and enjoying my reflection in the mirror, I decided to take it further. I started to add in a light workout.

I lost weight fast by just some simple cardio workouts. I started out walking just little over a quarter mile. Then after a few days of recovery from muscle strain, I bumped it up to just under a mile. That was in a weeks time and I noticed that I lost weight fast in that week.

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